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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, November 30, 2024

Letter to the Editor | Lyn-Shue knows how to work for you

TCU Presidents only serve for a year, but what each accomplishes remains for many years after. As a presidential candidate, I hope to have the chance to improve Tufts in many ways that will help students. I too believe that the president should be a lobbyist, but a lobbyist with focus. Being a lobbyist is only one part of being a good president. The president should also be interested in making feasible ideas happen.

I put forth an agenda for that very reason. I could have dreamed up an amazing platform, but why promise something that you can't deliver? As a veteran on Senate, I know what can be accomplished and what can't. I designed my agenda to include areas of the school that can be improved, with a lot of work of course, but still possible. Students should be able to see change and not just hear that the president is advocating change.

Each area of my agenda is an area that I have experience working in. I have coordinated some of the largest events on campus, so when I talk about helping

students groups with programming; I actually have the ability and experience to do so. From working on the Education Committee and talking to Catherine Doheney, who is the Secretary of the Faculty, I've learned a lot about how academics work at this school. I plan to use that knowledge to work on improving advising. I am a member of a few pre-professional groups on campus, so I've seen the advantages of good networking and how to accomplish it. I've spoken to graduate students during Trustee Luncheons who want to have more contact with the undergraduate campus.

I have been in contact with many administrators and have the opportunity to learn from previous successful presidents, so I know how to get things done. I'm the only candidate who has completed projects as a TCU Senator. My initiatives have been well thought-out and I have already thought of ways to accomplish each. I will lobby for what students want, but I will also make sure that students see improvement.

Denise Lyn-Shue, JuniorTCU presidential candidate