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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, January 10, 2025

Countdown to Valentine's Day

Countdown to Valentine's day... do you have a date? If so, screw you. If not, you've got t-minus 5 days to find one, or you'll be chowing down on greasy Chinese take out and Ben & Jerry's, watching cheesy videos on TV and feeling sorry for yourself. In the interest of research, and purely for those purposes (no, we did not enjoy this, nor did we benefit socially from this process in any way), the Daily has exhaustively looked at several Internet dating services.

Internet dating has become the latest hot trend of the singles scene. It is a good and time-efficient way to meet people with similar interests, and an e-mail correspondence is a good way to "screen" a person before you meet them. However, if you become aquatinted with someone online, you might be reluctant to tell your friends how you met your sweetie. "Oh, I bumped into him at a party," you'll say. "It was love at first sight." That might sound a little better than, "Oh, I met him after searching every entry on He was the only one who looked semi-normal."

Despite the social taboos surrounding internet dating, it is still not a bad option... especially if you're facing a time crunch. Even if you have remain apprehensive about Internet dating, you don't have too many options at the moment. It is only six days till V-Day, so get moving and grooving! First Thing to do: Check out the websites Address: 'Good Genes' users must have graduated from a reputable universities, with degree-holding members ranging from 22 to 77 years old. It was started in Nov. 1999 and has resulted in at least one marriage, many long-term relationships, and is responsible for connecting a clientele serious about finding an educated partner. It calls itself the "introduction service for the Ivy League, et. Al," and won't accept your application unless you can prove your status as a graduate or faculty member from a well-known university. As a Jumbo, it is practically guaranteed you'll be accepted. But be wary, membership costs sixty dollars. You might want to seek some cheaper options.

Address: This website calls itself the "most entertaining place to meet new people." Its biggest advantage is that it contains an extensive library of customers (50,000 people join every week). It's a good place to look for a platonic as well as a romantic relationship. With so many people to choose from, you're bound to find somebody who fits your fancy.


'Kiss' is an entertaining way to find a mate from a different walk of life... perhaps even a walk in another country. You can find dates from Norway, Italy, or the greater Boston area. Some of its advantages are that it has live chat as well as love advice from Dr. Pepper Schwartz. What could be better? You can even post your profile for free, if you're that daring. Just be aware that you have no control over who ends up contacting you!

Address: Yet another good dating site. They even have an online messaging system with the enticing name "Whispers." When conducting a search, you type in your "ideal date," such as "Tall, blond man who plays tennis." The website promises that "After only a few weeks you will find that your new Udate friends will become a significant element in your social life." Is this a threat or a promise?

Second Thing to Do: Place a personal in the Globe

Just in case these Internet sites don't work out, you might want to have a backup plan. Place a V-Day personal in the globe. For $3.50, you can run your 3-line message in the Globe on the dreaded day. Who knows, you might be able to get a date for the evening. The ads will also appear online at

Third Thing to Do: Meet your sweetie

By now, you've had a furious e-mail correspondence going with your Internet pal. It's only been five days, but you're in a rush. Tell him/her you want to meet them. Ask them, "How does Wednesday sound?" Don't mention to them that it's Valentine's Day (that might freak them out). Arrange to meet at Icarus or some other romantic restaurant in town. Make sure you dress swanky, but whatever you do, don't wear red! Get to the restaurant a little early, sit at the bar, and order a martini. You'll look so suave when your date walks in, it will be love at first site... guaranteed. Well, almost guaranteed. If things don't work out, there's always the lo-mein waiting at home in the refrigerator, as well as the dog-eared copy of the latest Danielle Steele book on your night table.

Alternatives for those not looking for a date:

If you're not in the mood to do Internet searching, you might want to check out these anti-Valentine day websites. They're a great deal of fun! Check out the links on this page:

You'll get to check out pages with such names as "Heartless Bitches International," "Valentine's Day? Bite Me," and "Protest V-Day... 12 Steps for Anti-Daters." See? You're not alone in your hatred of the dreaded V-Day.

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