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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, October 19, 2024

The making of Somerville: A working history

This is the seventh in a seven-part series on Somerville bystudents enrolled in Sociology 149A, Organizing Urban Communities,taught by Professor Susan Ostrander.

The average 21st century citizen knows little of the often richhistory of his local community. This is arguably true of studentslike us at Tufts, since many if not most of us live here onlytemporarily. To better understand modern society though, it isoften useful to examine the history that gave rise to our localcommunities. In our own backyard of Somerville, the history ofindustry goes far in defining the history of this, our city.

"Communities can be planned or spontaneous, rooted in pastexperiences and also built on future hopes, established on thebasis of place as well as on a foundation of ideas," sociologistMargot Kempers argues in her book, "Community Matters."Somerville's vibrant economic history past and present can help usunderstand the city as we students live in it now. FromSomerville's shipbuilding yard -- where the first sailing vessel ofthe British colonies was produced -- to the present day bustlingstreets of Davis Square, Somerville has long been a hotspot in thestate's and nation's commercial development.

As the predominantly Irish, industrial community of Somervillebegan to flourish during the mid-nineteenth century, the appeal ofpositions in the city's growing industries began to attract variousother ethnic groups. Today, the city boasts a diverse workforcetwenty two thousand people strong that speak 50 different languagesand practice 15 different religions, according to the Somervillecity hall website (

Before Somerville became a township in 1842 the area wasprimarily populated by British farmers and brick makers who soldtheir wares in the markets of Boston and Charlestown. As themarkets grew, the population of Somerville increased six-foldbetween the years of 1842 and 1870. With the sharp influx ofimmigrants to the Somerville area, industry boomed and brickmanufacturing became the predominant trade. Before mechanicalpresses were invented, Somerville produced 1.3 million bricks ayear. Thereafter, production increased rapidly to 5.5 millionbricks a year, and the success of the brickyards began to attractnumerous other industries. In 1851, American Tubes Works opened,followed by meat processing and packaging plants. Other Somervillefactories came to produce steam engines, boilers, glass, andiron.

Between 1870 and 1915, as was the case for the entire country,the population again exploded. This increase in people stimulateddemand for the goods Somerville industries made. The brickyards'production reached 24 million bricks a year. The meat packingindustry was dubbed "The Chicago of New England." During this timeof industrial prosperity, continuing through World War II, the cityof Somerville reached its population apex at 105,883 residents. Thecity was the densest in the United States, with many residentsliving in double-deckers and working in the city's meat processingand packaging factories.

With momentum gained from commercial success during theIndustrial Revolution of the 1800s, Somerville continues to have amanufacturing sector today, but the city's base of work has changedsubstantially. According to the Massachusetts Division ofEmployment and Training, of the 22,958 people employed in 2001,only 1,970 work in factories or manufacturing. With over 42 percentof those employed within Somerville working in retail or sales,"services" is now the most available job category. While most ofthe large meatpacking and brick manufacturing plants have movedelsewhere, Somerville possesses almost two thousand smallbusinesses, many of them service-providers and employers.

While many Somerville residents are content to work for others,the city today offers several programs that promoteentrepreneurship and self-employment. Through the SomervilleEconomic Development Partnership, small businesses are offered twooptions, either a short term, primary financing program thatprovides a maximum of $50,000, or a financing option up to $100,000working with a primary lender. Through various financing optionslike this that the city provides, many of the diverse shopsoperating throughout Somerville have been able to succeed.

In further effort to aid the small business community,Somerville funds the Storefront Improvement Program (SIP). Withgoals of creating more aesthetically pleasing storefronts, the cityoffers to provide "architectural services" and renovations inpartnership with the storeowners, by covering 50 percent of thecost up to $40,000. The Economic Development Partnership has takenon eighteen projects, financed $950,000, and has resulted in a netgain of $9 million in private investments. In 2001, SIP invested$128,000 towards storefront renovation projects, which have addedto the visual appeal of Somerville, and provided a growing appealto outside prospective businesses.

From its strong manufacturing-based economy created during the1800's to its current service-based economy, Somerville hasefficiently attempted to maintain and promote a city based onopportunity and blue collar work. However, this community built byworking class people may soon be facing problems. With a budgetshortfall this year approaching five million dollars, for the thirdstraight year Somerville is facing the issue of cuts and masslayoffs. In efforts to attract more affluent residents from theoverflow of Cambridge, Somerville has begun to gentrify. Thedouble-decker neighborhoods that once housed the factory workers ofthe 1800's are being renovated, bringing in more young, upwardlymobile professionals, and pushing out long-time working-to-middleclass residents. As Somerville moves towards the future, it willstruggle to regain its past economic vigor while maintaining itspresent residential diversity.

Dan Roan is a freshman who has not yet declared amajor.