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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024

The Artsy Jumbo | Senior Natalia Vasquez pairs art, entrepreneurship

Few can say they have dabbled in everything from photography to painting to digital art to drawing. Senior Natalia Vasquez, though, is more than experienced with all of those media. She began drawing at a young age and has carried around a sketchbook - or an "archive of memories" as she calls it - for years.

"When I got to college, I started to think of art as more of a tool," she said. At Tufts, she has taken numerous art classes to expand her already exceptional skill sets. Vasquez is majoring in international relations and plans to graduate with a minor in entrepreneurial leadership studies.

"Throughout high school and college, I've been doing graphic design and commission art," she said. Indeed, Vasquez has done everything from contributing drawings to a technical botany book to designing an ocean?themed surfboard for her father's birthday by using Posca pens and sealant.

These side projects, combined with her international and entrepreneurial studies, have propelled Vasquez's future endeavors, which include a business plan for designing artwork on snowboards, skis, surfboards and skateboards. Her biggest inspirations come from organizations that use art as a source of change and new ideas.

"If I go into social entrepreneurship, I would like to use a multimedia platform to get people's attention and make something worthwhile," she said. She is well on her way. Check out her work at
